7th Grade Science Syllabus

7th Grade Life Science 2011-2012 SyllabusWalker Middle School 

Mr. Darrel Mosley- dmosley@long.k12.ga.us

Mrs. Cara Osborne- cosborne@long.k12.ga.us 

Our mission is the relentless pursuit of the highest possible achievement for all! 

We believe that doing the work equates to doing the learning; not working and not learning are not options at Walker Middle School.        

 I.      Course Goals

The seventh grade life science course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the basic concepts of life science standards which will provide a foundation for the study of high school biology. Students will study the common connections among all living things, including, but not limited to the following: structure and function of cells, diversity of living organisms, classification, organ systems and their interactions, genetics/heredity, ecosystems, natural selection/fossil record, and the cycling of matter and energy.

     II.      Course Description

This class will be conducted at an advanced/accelerated level with the student assuming increased responsibility for his or her own learning. In seventh grade life science students will study the topics mentioned above in the course goal. Throughout each unit of study, the following concepts/skills will be taught, integrated, practiced, and/or reviewed: the ‘habits of mind’ necessary for scientific inquiry, the standard safety practices for lab/field work, the use of mathematics and technology in scientific inquiry, the metric system, the characteristics of scientific knowledge, and the importance of effective communication in scientific study/research. Investigations among life science and other disciplines/content areas (math, literature, history) will be incorporated into our studies, research, and projects

III.      Classroom Activities

Instructional activities may include lectures, reading, simulations, demonstrations, labs, current events discussions, note-taking, research papers, research projects, drawing/labeling activities, video presentations, timelines, creative writing, technical writing, reflective writing, multi-media presentations, in-class projects, and out-of-class projects.

   IV.      Class Expectations

As mentioned previously, this class will be conduced at an advanced/accelerated level with students assuming increased responsibility for his or her own learning. Each student is expected to come to class prepared with appropriate supplies to complete his or her work.

A. Materials

2- 2 pocket folders

1- 3 ring binder

5 dividers or tabs

Loose leaf paper

1-     Single Subject notebook

Colored Pencils

Pens (Black and Blue only)


B. Homework

Homework assignments are given to help each student acquire mastery of the science topics/concepts that we study. These assignments will be checked in class to assess understanding and/or accuracy and may be recorded as formative grades. Other assignments (i.e. projects, research, papers, etc.) may be recorded as either formative or summative grades. All assignments are due in class on designated due dates. Late assignments will be accepted, but, all work must be completed within the nine week period in which it was assigned.

C. Behavior

Appropriate behavior is expected at all times as this provides an academic environment conducive for the development of the skills necessary to be successful in class and safe in the laboratory. Any inappropriate behavior during labs could lead to the loss of lab privileges. Each student is expected to follow Long County Schools Code of Conduct AND the W.M.S discipline plan.

 Classroom behavior expectations are short and simple:              

Be on time

Be prepared              

Be productive              

Be respectful 

D. Textbook

Each student is responsible financially for the textbook issued to him or her. The new textbook title is Georgia Science Explorer: 7th Grade Life Science. The replacement cost for a lost or severely damaged science textbook is $67.97.

        V.      Absences and Make-Up Work

When a student is absent, the parent is expected to follow the county requirements regarding notification of the absence/s. A written explanation of the absence should be sent to the office the day the student returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments/work he or she has missed. Students have 2 days to make up all missed assignments. Any work due the day of the absence is expected to be turned in the day the student returns to school. For prolonged absences, the student should meet with the teacher to develop a plan to make-up the work missed.


     VI.      Grading

The grading for this class is based on the grading standards adopted by the administration of Walker Middle School. The grading scale is listed below.


50% Summative Assessments (tests, research papers, independent projects, group projects, multi-media presentations)


50% Class work/Homework (daily grades, lab grades, class work, performance tasks, take home work)


Progress reports will be issued on the following dates: September 8th, November 10th, February 3rd, and April 14th.


Report Cards will be issued at the end of each nine weeks on October 14th, January 6th, March 14th, and May 12th.